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3.2 Toggle displaying inline images

If the Emacs version you’re using is capable of displaying images in buffers, then emacs-w3m can display them in web pages, just like “graphical” browsers like Mozilla do. You should make sure your Emacs is correctly setup for images before trying to use any of the following commands (see section What version of Emacs can be used?).

To toggle displaying of images in the current buffer, use T (I for the ‘Info-like’ keymap). It makes emacs-w3m fetch the images from the server, then display them in the buffer, at the position they would have in a “graphical” browser. If you hit the key again, images will disappear from the buffer.

By default, emacs-w3m won’t display images, but you can change its behavior and choose to always display images, for this you need to customize the w3m-default-display-inline-images variable and change its value from nil to t. See section Customizable variables.

Emacs-w3m also comes with nifty features that let you zoom an image in or out, save it to a file, or view it in a external viewer. See also Moving from place to place in a page for instructions on how to move from image to image in an emacs-w3m buffer.

T (Lynx-like keymap)
I (Info-like keymap)

Toggle displaying of all the inline images in this buffer (w3m-toggle-inline-images). If and only if transient-mark-mode is turned on and the region is active, only the images within the region will be turned on.

Note1: whether to display inline images in a page from the start when you first visit the page is controlled by the value of the variable w3m-default-display-inline-images (the default is off) as mentioned above. But the visibility of images in pages that you visit from this buffer inherits the last status of the visibility in this buffer if w3m-toggle-inline-images-permanently is non-nil (default=t). If w3m-toggle-inline-images-permanently is nil, w3m-default-display-inline-images always controls it.

Note2: this command deactivates the region, so you have to set it again if you want to turn on only the images in a certain area again.

t (Lynx-like keymap)
i (Info-like keymap)

Toggle displaying of the single inline image under the cursor (w3m-toggle-inline-image). If and only if transient-mark-mode is turned on and the region is active, only the images within the region will be turned on. For the ‘Info-like keymap’, this key is bound to the command (w3m-view-image) that launches the external viewer if Emacs does not support displaying images.

M-S-t (Lynx-like keymap)
M-S-i (Info-like keymap)

Turn off displaying of all the inline images in this buffer. (w3m-turnoff-inline-images).

I (Lynx-like keymap)

View the image under point in an external viewer (w3m-view-image).


Save the image under point to an external file. The default name will be the original name of the image, so most of the time M-i <RET> will save the image with the right name (w3m-save-image).


Zoom out the image under point (w3m-zoom-out-image).


Zoom in the image under point (w3m-zoom-in-image).

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