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5.11 Namazu に関連した変数


Name of the executable file of Namazu. The default is ‘namazu’.


List of arguments passed to Namazu. The default value is ("-h" "-H" "-n" w3m-namazu-page-max "-w" whence). The symbols w3m-namazu-page-max and whence will be replaced respectively with the value of that variable and a proper value that the program determines properly.


An alias for the default index, or the directory name of it. If this is nil, you will be prompted for the directory name whenever you invoke the w3m-namazu command with no prefix argument. The default is the value of namazu-default-dir if it exists and namazu-always-query-index-directory is nil. Otherwise nil.


Alist of aliases and index directories. The default value is determined due to namazu-dir-alist if any or nil.


Coding system used when reading from the namazu process. The default is the value of namazu-cs-read if it exists, or undecided.


Coding system used when writing to the namazu process. The default is the value of namazu-cs-write if it exists, or is determined to shift_jis-dos or euc-japan-unix due to the system type.


The maximum number of documents retrieved in one search. The default is the value of namazu-search-num if any, or 30.

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この文書はTSUCHIYA Masatoshiによって2019年1月月30日にtexi2html 1.82を用いて生成されました。