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5.8 dtree に関連した変数


If non-nil, invert the meaning of the prefix argument given to the w3m-dtree command, i.e., the command shows not only directories but also files even if you don’t give a prefix argument. The default is nil.


Integer that controls how deep w3m-dtree shows subdirectories. If it is nil, files in all subdirectories are shown. The default is 8.


Vector containing strings used for the indentation. The default is ["|-" "+-" "| " " "].


Vector containing strings used to indent directories under which there are subdirectories hidden because of w3m-dtree-directory-depth. The default is ["|=" "+="].

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この文書はTSUCHIYA Masatoshiによって2019年1月月30日にtexi2html 1.82を用いて生成されました。