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5.6 ウェブ検索に関連した変数


Name of the default search engine. The default is ‘google’.


An alist of search engines. Each element looks like (engine action coding post-data). engine is a string, the name of the search engine. action is a string, the URL that performs a search. action must contain a "%s", which is substituted by a query string. coding is optional value which is coding system for query string. post-data is optional value which is a string for POST method search engine. If coding is omitted, it defaults to w3m-default-coding-system.


Non-nil means that the word at point is used as an initial string. If transient-mark-mode, this option is ignored and the region is used as an initial string. The default is t.


‘w3m-search-read-query’ で使われる ‘thing-at-point’ への引数。デフォルト は word.

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この文書はTSUCHIYA Masatoshiによって2019年1月月30日にtexi2html 1.82を用いて生成されました。